Welcome to Niltok.org

Yes I am aware the domain name isn't niltok.org, you don't need to tell me.

My Blehs: Nintendo |

Hi, I'm Niltok, but you can call me Nilly. I'm a GNU/Linux user and I really like the GNU Project and the work of the Free Software Foundation, and although I am aware Richard Stallman is a bit of an a***hole, he's still my role model. In fact, my "blehs" are based on Stallman's "what's bad about" series on his own personal website, so definitely go check them out as they're very interesting.

This site is written in raw HTML and CSS because I don't like JavaScript.

Other stuff:
Site license | Cave Story Downloader | A collection of Hello World programs in as many languages as I can find

Here's my wallpaper, feel free to download: